Dog Waste Bag Dispensers - How to Choose the Right One

Dog Waste Bag Dispensers - How to Choose the Right One

As a dog park manager, apartment manager, HOA board member or any other person in charge of areas dog frequently visit, one of the most important decisions you can make to keep the outdoor areas clean is what type of dog waste bag dispenser to choose.

There are several dog waste bag dispensers to choose from, but remember that not all are created the same. Look for dispensers that have a long warranty to ensure good quality workmanship as well as a reputable supplier.  

Another thing to consider when buying dog waste bag dispensers is their design. The design of any dispenser should be simple, but functional. It should not have sharp edges or pointed edges that can cut or catch clothing or leashes. You should also choose a unit that has a keyed lock to prevent theft of the dog waste bags stored inside. 

As a property or park manager, be sure to choose a dog waste bag dispenser that is made from a thick gauge metal. Thin gauge metal is subject to breaking, dents and poor longevity. Metal units should be manufactured from at least a 14 gauge aluminum to ensure the best value for your dollar.

Finally, be sure to choose a dog waste bag dispenser that holds and dispenses at least 600 or more dog waste bags between maintenance intervals. The less frequently a paid employee has to visit or service the unit, the more economical it will be in the long run. A dog waste bag dispenser that only holds 100-200 dog waste bags will require additional maintenance and cost more money over time due to the frequent visits to refill the bags.